The Premise
I had a call from my son today who asked for my opinion. He’s a fledgling professional musician, a creator of gorgeous songs – lyrics and melodies – that with his voice send you to a higher place. He’s really good. Although music has been a constant source of passion and pursuit for him in different ways all of his life, I say fledgling professional because it’s only recently that he made a conscious choice to “go for it” with a hunger and commitment to succeed.
In a matter of 9 months, he wrote, recorded, produced, mixed, and released his debut EP (extended play) available on Spotify and Apple Music. He has performed all over Philadelphia and played for people in Morocco, Japan, Israel, and the Czech Republic, and has even earned money doing it.
Although he is a creator, being a musical artist is being a business owner. It’s up to you to put it all together, to make it work. Everything I observe in him tells me he will not be denied.
But of course without the external evidence of success…fame, fortune, freedom… it’s often hard to stay true to your dream. Even if our societal constructs of success are oftentimes not the driving force behind our dreams.
The Response
That’s where my opinion came in. In his call to me, he told me that Spotify has official playlists where they select a collection of the hottest new songs, essential songs of a genre, and more. He asked me if it was a good goal to aim to be one of those playlists. His concern being that he doesn’t have any control over what songs or which artists they select. Should he instead choose something that he has more direct agency over?
And he has a point. In a world of thousands who are trying to do the same thing, what are the chances he succeeds? A goal to fill a 100-person space with pre-sold tickets, for example, feels more achievable. There is a lot that he can do to sell his tickets, but there isn’t much he can do to have a song of his make a playlist – just make the best music he possibly can and hope that a stranger somewhere likes it enough.
In all honesty, what I was hearing was the start of what some would call dimming our lights, or feeling, why me? There was a doubt in his heart – an unspoken but loudly audible “I’m not sure I’m good enough.”
So I strongly (and loudly) reaffirmed to him that aiming for a Spotify playlist is absolutely a worthwhile goal.
But what my heart was really saying to him was, Luca, Keep Your Light Bright and Why Not You?
Now let’s preface my response with the fact that these goals are not mutually exclusive. He can certainly pursue both as goals and they don’t cancel each other out. But the real question here was whether or not it was a worthwhile goal to dream, to keep that dream alive, and to set his sights on something where he couldn’t control the outcome. Although he’s right that he has no control over the outcome, he absolutely has control over his choices, efforts, and how he chooses to show up every day. It’s his journey to take. It’s his love of the process that’s most important because that is what will keep his passion lit to pave his path to who knows what destination.
And pursuing your dreams with guts, gusto and grit is what makes you Undeniable!
It is a well-known fact in neuroscience that our vision and the emotions we invest in our vision have everything to do with our ability to manifest our dreams. Our energy creates a frequency that draws similar energy to us. If it’s in our hearts, it will one day be in our hands. But if we don’t accept it into our hearts it will end up moving to the next person who wants it more.
So if Luca’s miserable, he’ll draw more misery. If he’s joyful, he’ll receive more joy. And if he’s undeniable, if he dreams of why not me?, there’s nothing that can stop him.
And that is true for you too.
The Rub + The Solution
In my work with women entrepreneurs, I often see that the belief in our limitations is far more powerful than the belief in our dreams. If you have a dream, a business you want to build – either starting new or building further – then I invite you to join me for a FREE Masterclass I’m holding next Thursday at 1 pm Eastern where we’ll work to establish our belief and hold it firmly in front of us, so we too can be undeniable.
Undeniable You MasterClass
Roadmap to Revenue in 60 Days
This masterclass will move you from a dream of something more into actionable steps that take you there. My promise is that you will be equipped with the exact steps that can get you into action around your big idea. Caveat: Boldness, Discomfort, and Obsession are Required.
This is for you if:
- You’re hungry to emerge, grow and expand your business
- You’re ready to play full out & want to drive powerful results
- You want to communicate more effectively and land premium clients
- You want to start building your platform strategically
- You want to learn the secret key to growing sustainably
Click Here to Get Full Details.
Quote of the Week:
It is up to each of us to make the choice that we will not be denied. We will take our rightful place, shine beautifully in our space, and rise to our highest potential.
~ Noreen Howard